
Made it through security and even checked my massive bag without an extra fine! I am now sitting outside the gate watching passengers board the plane – I am, surprisingly, in no rush to get on. Took dramamine which will hopefully hold up through the flight. I have a new season of Dexter downloaded onto my computer, and hopefully I’ll sleep a little. I have trouble sleeping on airplanes usually so I’m drinking a glass of wine now, and maybe one more on the plane so I can sleep. I think I even have a window seat! Had some tears earlier knowing I’d be leaving some special people behind, but I will be okay. I am excited to be seeing my little brother and a bunch of our camp friends!

That being said, I’m off to catch my flight. Will land around 8am in Paris, which is only about 2am for my loves in the states, but I’ll post sometime tomorrow to say I’m alive.
